Puedes consultar los siguientes links para consultar otras fuentes de informacion que hay sobre estos:
Número | Inglés / English | Español / Spanish |
1st | primero | |
2nd | segundo | |
3rd | tercero | |
4th | cuarto | |
5th | quinto | |
6th | sexto | |
7th | séptimo | |
8th | octavo | |
9th | noveno | |
10th | décimo | |
11th | eleventh | undécimo |
12th | twelfth | duodécimo |
13th | thirteenth | décimo tercero |
14th | fourteenth | décimo cuarto |
15th | fifteenth | décimo quinto |
16th | sixteenth | décimo sexto |
17th | seventeenth | décimo séptimo |
18th | eighteenth | décimo octavo |
19th | nineteenth | décimo noveno |
20th | twentieth | vigésimo |
21st | twenty-first | vigésimo primero |
22nd | twenty-second | vigésimo segundo |
23rd | twenty-third | vigésimo tercero |
24th | twenty-fourth | vigésimo cuarto |
25th | twenty-fifth | vigésimo quinto |
26th | twenty-sixth | vigésimo sexto |
27th | twenty-seventh | vigésimo séptimo |
28th | twenty-eighth | vigésimo octavo |
29th | twenty-ninth | vigésimo noveno |
30th | thirtieth | trigésimo |
31st | thirty-first | trigésimo primero |
40th | fortieth | cuadragésimo |
50th | fiftieth | quincuagésimo |
60th | sixtieth | sexagésimo |
70th | seventieth | septuagésimo |
80th | eightieth | octogésimo |
90th | ninetieth | nonagésimo |
100th | hundredth | centésimo |
101st | hundred and first | centésimo primero |
102nd | hundred and second | centésimo segundo |
1000th | thousandth | milésimo |
1001st | thousand and first | milésimo primero |
1000000th | millionth | millonésimo |
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